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Upgrading major version of bitnami postgresql instances

## Upgrading major version of bitnami postgresql instances.

# Please note that I switched to using, which handles this much better - so I don’t keep this guide up to date.

## This example is from upgrading from postgresql14 to 15.

  1. Update the helm-release Update to the new major-version-image, set primary.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser=0 and diagnosticMode.enabled=true.
  2. Once the pod has restarted, exec into it, ensure the new version is active postgres --version.
  3. . /opt/bitnami/scripts/
  4. ensure_group_exists postgres -i 1001
  5. ensure_user_exists postgres -i 1001 -g postgres
  6. mv /bitnami/postgresql/data /bitnami/postgresql/olddata
  7. mkdir -p /bitnami/postgresql/data; mkdir -p /bitnami/postgresql/oldbin
  8. cd /tmp/
  9. Download the application-package from the previous release you upgraded from, check upstream Dockerfile. apt update && apt install curl -y && curl --remote-name${OS_ARCH}-debian-11.tar.gz
  10. cd /bitnami/postgresql/oldbin
  11. tar --extract --directory . --file /tmp/postgresql-14.5.0-17-linux-${OS_ARCH}-debian-11.tar.gz
  12. mv postgresql-14.5.0-linux-${OS_ARCH}-debian-11/files/postgresql/bin/* .
  13. chown -R postgres:postgres /bitnami/postgresql/data /bitnami/postgresql/olddata
  14. gosu postgres initdb -E UTF8 -D /bitnami/postgresql/data -U postgres
  15. cd /tmp; rm /bitnami/postgresql/olddata/
  16. cp /bitnami/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf /bitnami/postgresql/olddata/; cp /bitnami/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf /bitnami/postgresql/olddata/; chown -R postgres:postgres /bitnami/postgresql/data /bitnami/postgresql/olddata
  17. Start the “old” server: gosu postgres /bitnami/postgresql/oldbin/pg_ctl start -w -D /bitnami/postgresql/olddata/
  18. After successfull start, stop it: gosu postgres /bitnami/postgresql/oldbin/pg_ctl stop -w -D /bitnami/postgresql/olddata/
  19. gosu postgres pg_upgrade -b /bitnami/postgresql/oldbin -B /opt/bitnami/postgresql/bin -d /bitnami/postgresql/olddata -D /bitnami/postgresql/data --socketdir=/tmp
  20. ./
  21. Remove primary.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser=0 and diagnosticMode.enabled=true from your helm-release.